passions in the periphery -
....why don’t  you shut up!
Video and/or text production in progress: concerning local ‘commitment’,  ‘state of belonging’ and
personal visions.
Projektet NEIGHBOURHOOD REMARKS - lokale passioner i periferien - tager udgangspunkt I den aktuelle geografiske,
lokale, social og politiske kontekst og består af korte video og tekstproduktioner omhandlende ‘lokal’ engagement, tilhørsforhold , opråb og udsyn.
Som mange af mine projekter er dette interdisciplinært og samarbejdsbaseret. Generelt søger jeg at skabe værker og platforme, som åbner for et mere mangfoldigt udtryk og give mulighed for at ytre sig på egne og andre præmisser end det de gængse ‘offentligheder’, medier og begrænsede offentlige åbne rum kan tilbyde. Hvem har definitionsretten og muligheden? Hvem tager sig plads og hvem får plads? Og hvordan?  
La Merced, Centro Historico, Mexico City 2010 - followed up by workshops and exhibition in Mexico City 2011 and 2012,
Beyoğlu Istanbul, Tyrkiet 2009, Uunt Chiwias, Ecuador 2008, El Recreo, Quito 2008, Neukölln Berlin 2007 -
please visit the the page CONVICCIONES as well  - also a NEIGHNOUTHOOD REMARKS project
Herunder i udvalg / a selection
 curating  collaborations  bio  works & projects  news and current projects
Research til ny lokal neighbourhood basereet ordbog i La Merced/Centro Historico, Mexico City - ord relateret til demokrati og fællesskab + ord som synes socio-politisk aktuelt vigtige - lokalt  - mex.2009/2010
Through app. 50 years the three 70-75 year old brothers have run the barber shop ‘peluqeria i perfumeria’ in the neighbourhood El Recreo, Quito. ‘peluqeria i perfumeria’ is a shop which – next to offer the service of cutting hair and barbering for the different men in the area - also exhibit political posters, statements and objects from all over the world.
Henning Vierkel – has been the passionate leader of the ‘comenius garden’  - a small philosophical oasis placed in the middle of the multicual and unfortunately less attractive Neukölln – Next to build up the garden after inspiration from the philosopher Comenius’ 1600 era ideas Vierkel regard the ‘duty’ of the place - is also to embrace and build bridges to the many new immigrants living in the area.  Interview, text and images - in colab. w. Tanja Nellemann.  
...when we meet,
go into dialogues
new realities appears...
RESEARCH for the dictionary NOTAS DEL BARRIO
re-definociones! La merced mexico city 2010
Istanbul, May 2009
Video, meetings and interviews w. Human Rights activists: Saturday Mothers
DON’T FORGET - DON’T FORGIVE. Despite sevire upbeating by the police force in the 1990 the group of mothers, daughters, wives started all over again performing their silent weekly meetings/demonstrations pointing out the importance of remembering the killings and dissappearings of kurdish men in Turkey. As a performance and a concious use of the media they target the public.
Images: saturday action!, Istanbul 09
En gruppe kvinder bosiddende i og omkring La Merced arbejder individuelt og sammen på at styrke og opretholde en positiv lokal identitet.
Video: Ud fra deres forskellige ståsteder – aldersmæssigt, etnisk og fagligt udtaler kvinderne sig om sig om bla lighed eller manglen på samme, diskrimination, tilhørsforhold og dertilhørende visioner og realiteter.  
For at bryde en ellers så social hierakisk magtstruktur og bryde forventningerne om hvem der har ‘noget at skulle have sagt’ eller hvem der bestemmer hvem der kan sige noget - blev interview og samtalerækken igangsat som en slags stafet, hvor den ene kvinde udvalgte og ledte til den anden – og så fremdeles.
Billederne her viser forarbejde og research til NOTAS DE LA VECINDAD - udstilling og workshop sept. 2011 Casa Talavera, UAMC, Mexico City:
video, posters, uddeling af flyers, samtaler og interviews, oprettelse af www/disk. blog -
DON’T  - FORGET - DON’T - FORGIVE ?  Beyoğlu Istanbul 2009                                
2010 - 100-året for den mexicanske revolution blev udgangspunktet for den indledende historiske og samtidige research til projektet. Hvordan udfolder de ‘demokratiske’ forhold sig  i den aktuelle sociale og politiske hverdag i fx et historisk og tæt beboet kvarter i centrum af Mexico City. Jeg boede 3 mdr. i udkanten af La Merced, hvor oplevelsen nok var at ordene lighed og demokrati måske nok kendes, men ellers ikke eksisterer.
Notas del barrio fokuserer på det overskud, der findes i kvarteret – og
sætter de demokratiske visioner (og
måske resignationer) i spil via dialoger og workshops, hvor historiske og nutidige begreber og billeder transformeres, modificeres og folks egne formuleringer kommer på dagordenen.
Projektet udfolder sig i samarbejde med beboere i området, kulturelle aktører samt Biblioteket for Dokumentation, Identitet og Erindring, Centro Historico. Sammen arbejder vi frem mod at formulere og reformulere, visualisere og synliggøre de lokale (gen)fortællinger og nye fortællinger, diskusioner og opråb i såvel det urbane rum som i det institutionelle udstillingsrum.
NUESTRO LUGAR - MIS PALABRAS un diccionario local
Por quÉ no hay rompe velocidades? Speed hump?  Macas, EC 2008
Video stills: Speed hump?/Por qué no hay rompevelocidades? Macas,EC 08
Por quÉ no hay rompevelocidades? /Speed hump?
A film - a ‘speak up’ regarding economical thinking vs human survival - interviews and actions with members from a ethnic minority group -children and adults - living in the village San Juan Bosco in the Amazon,EC 2008. A 5 minutes ‘speak up’ regarding the missing speed hump on the new build asfalt road crossing small villages in the former rain forest area.    

Produced (idea, shooting etc.) in collaboration with the participating group of shuare-indians: the family Chuints and documentarist Lars Henningsen within the project DIGA! Please visit www.zipzap.dkhttp://www.zipzap.dkshapeimage_18_link_0
Live Tv broadcasting - presenting the film + interview with Galo Chuint, (one of the participant in film and process), at TV Morona, EC 2008. Graphic work/post cards and the dvd - for use in the schools and distribution in in the local context.
Video 5 min. + graphic works
Presented in the TV network of MoronaSantiago, EC. 2008. The film + educational material are for free use at the local school in Uunt Chiwias/San Juan Bosco. 
The film + article (Vejbump) is distributed in Denmark through the magazine ‘Tidsskrift for børne-og ungdomskultur, march 2009
El recreo, quito 2008
‘The duty’ - Neukölln, Berlin  2007
un diccionario local La Merced,
Mexico City 2012
This project and dictionary is realized in a collaboration between Centro Cultural Casa Talavera and the working group consisting of Nadia García, Maria Félix Flores, Gitte Bog, Carmen Flores, Grete Aagaard,
Through many meeting and discussions a selection of 101 word were elected. The dictionary were build up by definitions and redefinitions  made through interview in the local streets, plazas, shops , markets and through local workshops on more poetic definitions of the words. In collaboration it was all transcript, edited finally presented - first as posters in the streets secondly the dictionary was distributed in the local area
...research to the project was made in 2010 while I was in an artist in residency  at Casa Vecina in Mexico City ...please scroll down for info
reg. the research: video, text and photo
One of the many interviews in the street: - Conducted by Maria Felix Flores, Gitte Bog, Carmen Flores, Nadia Garcia and Grete Aagaard
Weekly poetry workshop lead by  poet Karina Vergara Sánchez
FLYER left: open invitation to participate
The booklet itself was distributed in the local cafés, shops, hair dresser, libraries and handed out La Merced
right : of the pages - under T trabajo, traditcion (labor, tadition)  - texts from interview, poem and photo
This dictionary is based on the understanding that words can stimulate, words can affect power structures, words can be misunderstood, words can be misinterpreted, a word is a word, words create actions, words must be trusted, words create images, words make limitations, words can manipulate, words create attitudes and opinions, words have power, words can change the world.
The DICTIONARY - Notas del Barrio is  created on the principle of an open structure, research, collaboration and participation.
A number of people living, working and passing by in the neighbourhood La Merced, Centro Historico Mexico D.F have contributed in selecting the 101 words, described and re-defined the words. Words that seems important in the political and social everyday life as it appears right now on this location.
The (re)-definitions are all based on individual  interpretations and opinions collected by taped oral interviews and workshops made in the area.
All the pages from the dictionary was made as posters and presented on the walls and the pavement in the local public area. Likewise it was presented and discussed at the weekly open and outdoor radio station/event org. by Casa Talavera.